torsdag 24 december 2020

Titian ”The Death Of Actaeon”


The Death of Actaeon is a late work by the Italian Renaissance painter Titian, painted in oil on canvas from about 1559 to his death in 1576 and now in the National Galleryin London. It is very probably one of the two paintings the artist stated he had started and hopes to finish (one of which he calls "Actaeonmauled by hounds") in a letter to their commissioner Philip II of Spain during June 1559. 

It is a sequel of Titian's work Diana and Actaeon showing the story's tragic conclusion, which approximately follows the Roman poet Ovid's account in the Metamorphoses: after Actaeon surprised the goddess Diana bathing naked in the woods, she transformed him into a stag and he was attacked and killed by his own hounds.

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